"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Mommy's Advice

Sitting here on my couch at the ripe old of age of 21, I have realized that my momma is right and pretty much always has been. My mommy and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but in the end I know she has always had my best interests at heart. I can't even count the times that my momma has given me advice on something and then a short while down the road, I realized she was exactly right......

I finally have come to a point in my life where I finally feel a lot more grown up than I ever have. Not so long ago, I wasn't so grown up... And I didn't take my momma's advice so seriously. I never beleived it before when people said momma knows best. However, now I am a firm believer. There have been many times that I have listened half heartedly to the advice, what i then considered, in true teenager fashion, to be her nagging at me. Oh how I wish that I could go back and take all of her advice.

Oh the crappy experiences that she could have saved me from. When your momma says a boy is going to be a dud, she is probably right. I learned that lesson early obviously.. Her advice helped lead me toward Mr. Right. Ahhhhhhh. I will never forget the time that she tried to steer me away from being on Team A in eighth grade. I mean anyone who knew went to Bagley KNEW without a doubt that team B was ALWAYS the team to be on... However, I had this WONDERFUL bossy little friend that decided that her and I should be different than everyone else and be on team A.... WORST IDEA EVER in the whole small world of middle school life. Looking back on it, it was not that terrible. But after a week, I knew that this was the worst decision I could have ever made. I mean there were some great teachers on team A, it was not the cool place to be. However, if I had just listened to my lovely mother who all but signed me up for team b against desperate pleas, I would have been saved from a less than positive influence on my life.

Which leads me to another thing my mommy could have saved me from.... Bad Freindships... I have experienced a lot of these in my day.... Mommy could have saved me from a lot of hurt feelings and disappointments. Most people reading this blog already know about less than fabulous first year of college with a girl whom I thought would be my best friend for the rest of my life. My mom begged me to really think about this and not get all caught up in the whole going to college with my best friend, however I chose to not listen to her. That choice cost me dearly. I lost a lot of things during that year my faith in people, my faith in realtionships, some sanity, a few random monetary things, and most importantly the joy of what should have been one of the best years of my life.... For those of you who don't know, I moved to college with this girl and we rented a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment near campus together, which is mistake number 1. TWO GIRLS CANNOT SHARE ONE BATHROOM. It just does not work. Things got bad about 2 weeks in. I met someone new, who has become my true best friend for my entire life.... My roommate/previous bff stopped speaking soon after. We rarely spoke for months after that, and the tension built for months.. Until April 2009.. I came home from spending the weekend with my new friend, and the everything hit the fan. Things were taken that were mine. Momma's and police got involved. Things occured that I care to never speak of again.. It was really a terrible situation for everyone invovled. However, I could have been saved once agian if I'd listened to my momma....

My momma could have saved me from soooooo many trials growing up. But now that I am (mostly) grown, I can predict my mommas advice in my head, though I still need to hear it.... Now after all these years, I have finally learned Mommy knows best...

1 comment:

  1. That year you and I had the WORST experiences with roommates! I am so thankful for Van Sickle's class where were could gossip and complain about everything lol Oh, well I guess life does go. I learned that year to listen to my momma too, if only I had done that two years earier I could have saved myself a lot of money and heartache.
