"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As I sit here on my couch tonight, I can't help but feel that my faith in the legal system that was created to protect us has failed us all, us all including an innocent little girl who didn't have a choice. She didn't have a choice to be born, and ruin her mothers social life. She didn't have the choice to be an inconveince. She didn't have the choice to die. However, Casey had a choice. She had the choice to mother Caylee. She had the choice to do what was right for her daughter. She had the choice to inform someone that her daughter was missing or dead.The jury had a choice. They may not have proven to them that she was guilty, and that is that. But, they did prove with out a shadow of a doubt that Casey anthony neglected her child. The justice system, the jurors, and most of all kaylee's own mother failed her. It breaks my heart to know that Caylee was failed. I hope and pray that this does not happen again, though I know that it will. Today proved to the world what a bad situation we are in as a society.

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