"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How much longer?????

Wow.. So first time I have blogged in two months?!? Busy much????? Why, yes I am. I eat sleep and breathe nursing school. It's not fun incase you were wondering. I managed to squeeze in a little wedding planning.... We have an official date.. August 4, 2012, which happens to be Corey's daddys birthday. We are getting married at fairy valley baptist church. I practically grew up attending church here with my Mamaw. It's also where my parents got married. We also have a honeymoon!!!!!! We wil be taking a cruise to key west, the grand cayman, and Ocho Rios! I am so EXCITED!!!! Corey had never been on a cruise, and I loved the last one I went on, minus a few things. FYI: regular cruise rooms are ENTIRELY to small for four people and all their belongings. We have our flowers picked, the main one will be sunflowers with an assortment of other flowers. We picked a photographer as well! I can't wait to get all the other details mapped out! I am ready to get this show on the road. And now for the countdown, it is exactly 203 days till I graduate college... Those 203 days will be the longest of my life FOR SURE. It's also exactly 274 till my lovely best friend and the future mrs. Dover gets married.. And then it's just a few more short days, 295 to be exact, till I get to change my last name! Ahhhhhhhh! Can't wait! 2012 is going to be an amazing year!

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