"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How much longer?????

Wow.. So first time I have blogged in two months?!? Busy much????? Why, yes I am. I eat sleep and breathe nursing school. It's not fun incase you were wondering. I managed to squeeze in a little wedding planning.... We have an official date.. August 4, 2012, which happens to be Corey's daddys birthday. We are getting married at fairy valley baptist church. I practically grew up attending church here with my Mamaw. It's also where my parents got married. We also have a honeymoon!!!!!! We wil be taking a cruise to key west, the grand cayman, and Ocho Rios! I am so EXCITED!!!! Corey had never been on a cruise, and I loved the last one I went on, minus a few things. FYI: regular cruise rooms are ENTIRELY to small for four people and all their belongings. We have our flowers picked, the main one will be sunflowers with an assortment of other flowers. We picked a photographer as well! I can't wait to get all the other details mapped out! I am ready to get this show on the road. And now for the countdown, it is exactly 203 days till I graduate college... Those 203 days will be the longest of my life FOR SURE. It's also exactly 274 till my lovely best friend and the future mrs. Dover gets married.. And then it's just a few more short days, 295 to be exact, till I get to change my last name! Ahhhhhhhh! Can't wait! 2012 is going to be an amazing year!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Step Closer to Growing Up.....

Well, I know most of you already know, but I'm so excited that I don't mind telling you again....


Friday August 19th, I went to Corey's house after I got home from school for the weekend. I was studying nursing when he got home from work around 9:00 pm, which is later than usual for him. He went and showered and I kept studying. He had mentioned that he was tired and wanted to go to bed before hand, but I needed to study. When he got out of the shower, he went to his bed and laid down. I heard someone in the computer room and went in to tell him. He was already laying in the bed. I told him to go see who it was. He said, "Ok, but watch my back." I responded with, "What? No, I'm not watching your back?" He then said, "Ok, well stay right there!" Of course, I did not stay. I started getting ready for bed. He came back in and said that it was his sister. So, I proceeded to go to bed. He was right behind me. I placed my hand down on the bed, and I felt something lumpy in my pillow. I instantly thought, "what in the heck did he leave in the bed?" I picked up my pillow, and I realized that whatever it was, was inside the pillow case. I reached in and my fingers suddenly felt something square and velvet. I immediately looked at him with shock on my face. I then pulled out the little velvet box and pulled it open. Inside was the ring that I had sent him a mere 6 days before saying that I had liked in a picture message. I could not believe my eyes! I looked at him and just started crying. After six years of dating, this amazing guy had decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me! I could not have been more excited. I took the ring out and slid it on my finger. It fit perfectly. Then, we proceeded to tell everyone!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever

Yep. That's me. Haha. I've never been that much into writing... Why would blogging be any different? Haha. Not a lot has been going on in my life since my last post. The most exciting thing happening is that in aere thirty one minutes my sweet boyfriend will turn 21 years old. He is super excited. I think mostly because we will be the same age again. It has nothing to do with being able to legally buy alcoholic be beverages. Haha. In other news, Midas is hopefully on his way to becoming a daddy. We bred him with his girlfriend Heaven this weekend. He loved her! She was the first great Dane he has ever met. School time is coming so quickly, and I am so not ready. It's going to be a long year. It seems like the last year of school is always the longest. But, after it's over I'll be pretty close to being "grown up". I should probably start working on a new blog title now. It took me forever to come up with that one, and it is not very good. Haha. Actually going to wrap this blog up.... The birthday boy is calling!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As I sit here on my couch tonight, I can't help but feel that my faith in the legal system that was created to protect us has failed us all, us all including an innocent little girl who didn't have a choice. She didn't have a choice to be born, and ruin her mothers social life. She didn't have the choice to be an inconveince. She didn't have the choice to die. However, Casey had a choice. She had the choice to mother Caylee. She had the choice to do what was right for her daughter. She had the choice to inform someone that her daughter was missing or dead.The jury had a choice. They may not have proven to them that she was guilty, and that is that. But, they did prove with out a shadow of a doubt that Casey anthony neglected her child. The justice system, the jurors, and most of all kaylee's own mother failed her. It breaks my heart to know that Caylee was failed. I hope and pray that this does not happen again, though I know that it will. Today proved to the world what a bad situation we are in as a society.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Mommy's Advice

Sitting here on my couch at the ripe old of age of 21, I have realized that my momma is right and pretty much always has been. My mommy and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but in the end I know she has always had my best interests at heart. I can't even count the times that my momma has given me advice on something and then a short while down the road, I realized she was exactly right......

I finally have come to a point in my life where I finally feel a lot more grown up than I ever have. Not so long ago, I wasn't so grown up... And I didn't take my momma's advice so seriously. I never beleived it before when people said momma knows best. However, now I am a firm believer. There have been many times that I have listened half heartedly to the advice, what i then considered, in true teenager fashion, to be her nagging at me. Oh how I wish that I could go back and take all of her advice.

Oh the crappy experiences that she could have saved me from. When your momma says a boy is going to be a dud, she is probably right. I learned that lesson early obviously.. Her advice helped lead me toward Mr. Right. Ahhhhhhh. I will never forget the time that she tried to steer me away from being on Team A in eighth grade. I mean anyone who knew went to Bagley KNEW without a doubt that team B was ALWAYS the team to be on... However, I had this WONDERFUL bossy little friend that decided that her and I should be different than everyone else and be on team A.... WORST IDEA EVER in the whole small world of middle school life. Looking back on it, it was not that terrible. But after a week, I knew that this was the worst decision I could have ever made. I mean there were some great teachers on team A, it was not the cool place to be. However, if I had just listened to my lovely mother who all but signed me up for team b against desperate pleas, I would have been saved from a less than positive influence on my life.

Which leads me to another thing my mommy could have saved me from.... Bad Freindships... I have experienced a lot of these in my day.... Mommy could have saved me from a lot of hurt feelings and disappointments. Most people reading this blog already know about less than fabulous first year of college with a girl whom I thought would be my best friend for the rest of my life. My mom begged me to really think about this and not get all caught up in the whole going to college with my best friend, however I chose to not listen to her. That choice cost me dearly. I lost a lot of things during that year my faith in people, my faith in realtionships, some sanity, a few random monetary things, and most importantly the joy of what should have been one of the best years of my life.... For those of you who don't know, I moved to college with this girl and we rented a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment near campus together, which is mistake number 1. TWO GIRLS CANNOT SHARE ONE BATHROOM. It just does not work. Things got bad about 2 weeks in. I met someone new, who has become my true best friend for my entire life.... My roommate/previous bff stopped speaking soon after. We rarely spoke for months after that, and the tension built for months.. Until April 2009.. I came home from spending the weekend with my new friend, and the everything hit the fan. Things were taken that were mine. Momma's and police got involved. Things occured that I care to never speak of again.. It was really a terrible situation for everyone invovled. However, I could have been saved once agian if I'd listened to my momma....

My momma could have saved me from soooooo many trials growing up. But now that I am (mostly) grown, I can predict my mommas advice in my head, though I still need to hear it.... Now after all these years, I have finally learned Mommy knows best...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Too Many Thoughts for One Title.......

There have been a lot of things on my mind lately.

1. Parents who make a difference between their children. This is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever experienced in my entire life. In our house, everything was always fair between my sister and I. There were never moments when my parents done things for one of us where the other felt that it was "truly" unfair. There are a set of parents that I know that make a difference between their children. There is a "shrine" to one of their children, and absolutely nothing to celebrate the achievements of the other child. This really annoys me.

2. Ungrateful people. OH MY GAH. If someone busts their ass for you on a daily basis stop being so dang ungrateful! I am sure Sherika can guess who that is... This person is ridiculous. You could give and give and give to her and it would mean absolutely nothing to her. she is so ungrateful and selfish.

3. People who broadcast everything on facebook, including but not limited their intensive partying. If you wanna get smashed EVERY weekend, thats fine, but dont be stupid and put a billion pictures of it on facebook. Hello, no one is going to hire the girl that has facebook pictures of her holding five bottles of alcohol in a certain profession where image matters.

4. Being downright mean. Why on earth would you want to go around treating other people like crap? Who do you think you are????????????  I mean really. I just don't understand.

5. The end of the world. This whole end of the world thing is getting really old! To all these people who are claiming to be children of god saying that they know when the world will end are full of it. In the bible, it states that no man shall no when the end of the world is coming. So therefore, if that is written in the bible, then god did not make you special and tell you the secret.

6. People who abuse government assistance. I won't say anything about this so that I don't offend anyone.

Thank you! That is all. :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Disappointed by People in General Lately

Lately, I have been getting super annoyed with people who are part of my life and also those who aren't. I will start with those who are or previously were involved in my life.

 I have/had this friend who I feel did me wrong and all but abandoned me in what was almost one of the most difficult times in my life. As some people know, Corey was enlisted in the Marine Corp and was set to leave on March 21st. Well, some medical issues happened and he ended up not being able to leave. Well, Corey and I are pretty much inseparable. It was going to be VERY hard for me to be away from him for 3 months, not to mention that he would not really ever be coming back  home, and I would not be able to see him much for the next year and a half. Last December, this friend, suddenly became very distant. We were best friends up until this point. We text everyday, talked on the phone often, and spent a lot of time together when I was home. I would text her and get very short awkward replies. I would ask her to hang out and she would not respond or bail on me at the last minute. If you know me, then you know that is my BIGGEST pet peeve EVER! I constantly say, "If I tell you I am going to do something, then I am going to do it." After a while, this got old, so I quit trying to hang out with her. Eventually I quit texting her at all. I essential gave up. I admit. I did not ask her why she had treated me this way. Not to defend that, but if you are truly best friends with someone and you really care about them, then you would not treat them that way at all. Nonetheless, I should have tried to figure out the problem. So the months went on, and I continued nursing school, one of the most stressful things I have ever done in my life. I tried to spend as much time with Corey as possible. Well the months passed, and a couple of weeks before he was supposed to leave, he found out that he was going to be able to. Instead of waiting another year to leave, he decided just to let it go and get a job. I text her at this point, and I let her know. We made other small talk and eventually stopped texting. Almost a month later, she text me AGAIN asking when he was leaving? I was like. Okay maybe she forgot. Well we again talked a while, and then we stopped texting. Well, last week she text me and asked me AGAIN! At this point, I was pissed. If she didn't care anymore than that, then I felt I had no use to try to explain to her or even rekindle the friendship. I responded shortly after hour of receiving the message. I simply said he's not. I was done with this completely. It really bothers me, well honestly hurts my feelings that things turned out this way, because I considered her one of my closest friends. I mean I was raised with if your friends with someone, you are friends with them ALL the time, not when its only convenient for  you....

I have also been disappointed with people lately. All around me it seems that people are just being down right mean and nasty to each other. Some peoples blogs are prime examples of this. I wish things weren't this way, but it seems to be getting progressively worse.